Quality of Life in Tallinn, Estonia

Purchasing Power Index 86.00   High
Safety Index 78.09   High
Health Care Index 74.46   High
Climate Index 64.28   High
Cost of Living Index 57.72   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 12.20   High
Traffic Commute Time Index 24.43   Very Low
Pollution Index 18.81   Very Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 181.92   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 129

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 352

Last update: March 2025

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6 Comments so far
Robin on Sep 22, 2024:
Air quality and therefore by inference a sense of good fortune is that public transport is free, certainly within Tallinn. You might own a high quality car but have very little need to use it. Then there is the ultra low population. Tree lined wide streets and so close to nature. These are rare things for people living in cities. Sparrows are in abundance. This too exists in NZ where population size and perhaps air quality can be very good - Rangitoto island being one such example. No inter-racial or religious tension here because it is largely atheist. Essentially for historical and definitely the unfortunate reasons of invasions, a low population has managed it's affairs quite well and no doubt any problems they Estonians have encountered are small ones. We are told that prisons are virtually empty.
Dimitri on May 17, 2023:
One of the most underrated cities in Europe.

It's just great all year around.
Anonymous on Mar 09, 2023:
I'd say 4 out of 5 times Belarus is going to be the same experience as the rest of eastern europe but there is always the chance that something goes wrong and you have to deal with the authorities, it really sucks to be in a non-eu country.
Anonymous on Jan 29, 2023:
Stick with the Baltic's ...keep off Belarus .You never know what will happen there especially when you are an american...I suggest also you should add Poland and Krakow is a must for ...thank me later
Lawrence Bucher on Jun 17, 2022:
Correction: Jan (2023) I will be exploring a three-country tour from Tallin, Estonia, then to Riga, Latvia, and lastly, Vilnius, Lithuania. It's a 25-day tour to better gauge where I want to exercise a 1-year Nomadic Visa. Any suggestions on where else to go? I wanted to c/o Belarus too, but there's no way to gauge the accuracy of Belarus off American media. Any suggestions as to what I should (or shouldn't) add to my travel will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Lawrence Bucher on Jun 17, 2022:
Jan (2023) I will be exploring a three-country tour from Tallin, Estonia, then to Riga, Estonia, and lastly, Vilnius, Lithuania. It's a 25-day tour to better gauge where I want to exercise a 1-year Nomadic Visa. Any suggestions on where else to go? I wanted to c/o Belarus too, but there's no way to gauge the accuracy of Belarus off American media. Any suggestions as to what I should (or shouldn't) add to my travel will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.