Quality of Life in Valencia, Spain

Purchasing Power Index 110.58   Very High
Safety Index 67.13   High
Health Care Index 80.89   Very High
Climate Index 93.84   Very High
Cost of Living Index 44.63   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 8.02   Moderate
Traffic Commute Time Index 21.17   Very Low
Pollution Index 22.31   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 203.50   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 60

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 367

Last update: March 2025

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12 Comments so far
Linda on Mar 19, 2025:
@Filippo Mastrogiacomo

In Australia, we were burglared twice, once in Cairnes and once in Brisbane.

We are very happy in Valencia, we have no problems here.
Filippo Mastrogiacomo on Mar 16, 2025:
Hello Gary and Linda

What's wrong with Australia?
Gary & Linda on Mar 11, 2025:
Hello everyone, Gary and Linda here... We're originally from Liverpool, UK.

We emigrated 2 years ago to Australia, which was a big and constly mistake.

Year ago we moved to Valencia and it's such a world of difference.

No way we move back to the UK or Australia !
William Jameson on Feb 26, 2025:
We couldn't be happier after moving here, lovely friendly people, tasty and
affordable food, much safer than our hometown in California.
Anonymous on Oct 26, 2024:
Seems like really good if you have strong perchasing power.
Barbara on Sep 28, 2023:
Wonderful, just great to live here now. Should have left the USA much earlier.
Fernandez on Jul 01, 2023:
There was a lot of road works beginning of this year. New sewerage everywere and no more funny smells.

I love how they revamped the beaches, looks much better this way.
Roderico on May 17, 2023:
Valencia is a very nice town, come over and see for yourself why it is the expat's favorite for 2023.

The new build appartments are build to very high standards. The city center had a bick revamp and is much safer to drive now, new roundabouts and everything looks more clean too.

It looks like some people prefer keeping all in original state without renovation and maintenance.

That's not how it works if you want a safe and clean city. It is much better now.
Knarr on May 11, 2023:
Real estate speculators have ruined this city through massive construction of vast housing complexes around the center. At the same time the city center is falling to pieces.
The funny Calatrava project is not enough to compensate for this lack of integration.
I found Valencia really ugly.
Lily on Oct 21, 2022:
Valencia is such a great city, overall I would just call it a happy city. Yes, the economy is not the best in the world obviously but I have lived to so many cities in the UK and NONE compare even slightly, they are all just so sad compared to sunny, cheerful valencia
fodle aix on Sep 07, 2022:
Valencia is a nice city for visiting a few days but not for
living... Ce city is not small and metro not good (slow) .. the beach close of the city are ugly ... people quite unfriendly sometimes agressive specially in some bars, bank or administrations... The cost of life is very expensive for the quality of service, rent o transportation.. I do not recommend at all
Daniel Cristian on Oct 14, 2020:
I don't know why the health care index is so high, because on private system they have young and unexperienced doctors, but on the other hand they have good doctors on public system but in order to get an appointment you have to wait almost one year (no joking), I guess the public system works fine if you had a serious accident or your health is in critical condition. The pollution is quite high and the city is not clean. During the summer, the center of Valencia is smelling horrible. Weather is the best thing here and indeed the city is safe, but not when you are in traffic :D, the people are either very slow or aggressive and they do a lot of accidents. Purchasing power index is wrong, the salaries are very low and cost of living increased a lot in the last 2-3 years.