Quality of Life in Vancouver, Canada

Purchasing Power Index 108.75   High
Safety Index 56.78   Moderate
Health Care Index 71.80   High
Climate Index 91.15   Very High
Cost of Living Index 64.79   Moderate
Property Price to Income Ratio 13.19   High
Traffic Commute Time Index 36.71   Moderate
Pollution Index 25.64   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 175.88   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 156

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 653

Last update: March 2025

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4 Comments so far
brian korbelik on Jun 02, 2022:
What I'm trying to find on this site is the price difference of Living in Menifee, Ca compared to Vancouver Canada. Apparently this cannot be done on this site unless I know the exact price of every grocery item in Menifee. No one know that. I would have thought that data such as that would already be in your database. Perhaps I'll try Riverside, Ca. Perhaps someone has already provided that data, or San Diego, CA. I'm disappointed that you don't even use a Southern California average, unless a person lives in Beverly Hills, it's all pretty much the same.
Milos on Jan 01, 2021:
I am not sure how Vancouver has 91.15 climate index. That needs to change, it is raining almost 1/2 a year. There is no way climate index can be that high. The only good thing is temperature is rarely below 0C and in most cases you don't even need a winter jacket.
Saeid on Dec 19, 2020:
Hi, I wondered about this part of the text :
Property price to income ratio

Is it really correct?
I'm so confused on that !!!
Can you explain me more ?
Because we are going to move to Vancouver.
Max schmelling on Oct 06, 2020:
Please sirs I need to move away from here. Can you please send me some $$ so I can move to Vancouver B.C.