Quality of Life in Victoria, Canada

Purchasing Power Index 92.54   High
Safety Index 58.23   Moderate
Health Care Index 65.34   High
Climate Index 92.52   Very High
Cost of Living Index 64.91   Moderate
Property Price to Income Ratio 12.77   High
Traffic Commute Time Index 32.36   Low
Pollution Index 22.00   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 173.00   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 87

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 215

Last update: March 2025

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1 Comments so far
Anonymous on May 04, 2024:
Traffic commute time should be worse. We even have a name for the traffic jam that happens twice a day, every working day that triples your travel time. It's called the Colwood Crawl.

Safety index should also be lower. There's not many days you go downtown and not see a raving druggie on the other side if the street shouting at nothing or police officers pulled up to the numerous congregations of disenfranchised people all over downtown.

Health care index should be much lower. Many people don't even have family doctors here because they aren't accepting new patients. A simple ultrasound appointment at the hospital will take a year, if not longer, to come around, and that was before Covid.

Pollution index obviously regards environmental factors, but the air is not clean here. It's filled with the various inhalants that the inhabitants of this city can't get enough of, smoking, vaping, and especially marijuana.

People are too obsessed with the weather, which is the only good thing if you like a damp, muggy climate where the sky is grey 50% of the year, and are coping all the major problems with this city with this fact.