We need more contributors for Vilvoorde to increase our data quality.
Also, consider looking into aggregate data we have for Quality of Life in Belgium
Purchasing Power Index | ? | |
Safety Index | 32.72 | Low |
Health Care Index | 70.83 | High |
Climate Index | ? | |
Cost of Living Index | ? | |
Property Price to Income Ratio | ? | |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 35.00 | Moderate |
Pollution Index | 43.10 | Moderate |
Quality of Life Index: | ? |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 1
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 9
Last update: August 2024
Quality of Life in Neder-Over-Heembeek | 4.35 miles |
Quality of Life in Zemst | 4.81 miles |
Quality of Life in Meise | 5.00 miles |
Quality of Life in Brussels | 7.11 miles |
Quality of Life in Woluwe Saint Lambert | 8.16 miles |
Quality of Life in Wezembeek-Oppem | 8.60 miles |
Quality of Life in Haacht | 10.36 miles |
Quality of Life in Dilbeek | 11.32 miles |
Quality of Life in Mechelen | 11.47 miles |
Quality of Life in Tervuren | 12.14 miles |