Quality of Life in Wellington, New Zealand

Purchasing Power Index 123.08   Very High
Safety Index 66.81   High
Health Care Index 64.19   High
Climate Index 97.68   Very High
Cost of Living Index 61.44   Moderate
Property Price to Income Ratio 10.95   Moderate
Traffic Commute Time Index 38.85   Moderate
Pollution Index 23.08   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 188.96   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 51

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 189

Last update: February 2025

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5 Comments so far
Josh on Aug 15, 2023:
NZ went to sht after 2020, crazy prices and forget about quality of life
Christian on Jul 09, 2023:
This town used to be nice, until the pandemic. Then its rulers showed their real ugly face.

Heavily overpriced, more polluted than it claims to be, and full of sour smallminded people.
Agnes on Dec 26, 2022:
I lived in Wellington from 2016-2021 and own a house here. It is a lively little city with recurring street fairs, film festivals, concerts, and the occasional high-profile art exhibition. After the pandemic though a lot has changed, lots of awesome music venues closed down and the vibe has definitely gone dead a bit. Due to the size of the place, the quality of life is great, if you don't mind the weather and the fact that what the city has to offer gets a bit tired after a couple of years and you have the money to travel overseas to avoid cabin fever, you'll love it here.
Anonymous on Aug 23, 2021:
Love this city, I have been to 4 times. I come from Taiwan.
Shawn Su on Mar 16, 2021:
The data on Property Price to Income Ratio for Wellington is laughable. "The average house price across the region is $932,867 though the average value is obviously higher in Wellington City ($1,044,244), where house prices climbed 7.59% this quarter. " (Link: http://wellington.scoop.co.nz/?p=134206)

Unless you think average household income in Wellington is $158K/year (based on average house price $932,867) (it's not, it's $108K according to stats NZ (LINK: https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/household-income-and-housing-cost-statistics-year-ended-june-2020)) I don't know how the figure 5.92 is derived. "In the year ended June 2020, the average annual household equivalised disposable income (before housing costs are deducted) was $48,196." Therefore the effective house price income ratio (average house price / average household income) should be 8.6 - not as ridiculous as Auckland, but certainly not as deceivingly low as 5.92.

Still think Wellington quality of life should be ranked as 4 worldwide on the list? Unless you are loaded.