Quality of Life in Zurich, Switzerland

Purchasing Power Index 165.36   Very High
Safety Index 77.00   High
Health Care Index 70.05   High
Climate Index 81.48   Very High
Cost of Living Index 106.91   Very High
Property Price to Income Ratio 14.12   High
Traffic Commute Time Index 37.14   Moderate
Pollution Index 24.77   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 199.92   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 137

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 415

Last update: March 2025

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8 Comments so far
Anonymous on Mar 03, 2025:
Zurich seems to look like a comfortable country to live in.
Anonymous on Oct 26, 2024:
i live in tokyo and average salary is 2400 dollars. what a 3rd world nation!
Sigrid on Jun 21, 2024:
Healthcare premiums in Switzerland went up, around $400/month $5000/year, and you get only partial coverage.

In most EU countries you pay only $150/month $1800/year, and get full coverage.
Helmut on May 25, 2024:
Switzerland a higher Purchasing Power than Luxembourg, Ireland or Singapore?

Something off in these figures...

Have a look here to see which countries are really the richest lately :

Werner A. on Sep 29, 2023:
Lived here for many years now, but moving out next month to Luxembourg. There's no "prestige" to be found here anymore. Crime went up and quality of life in general went down, especially the last 2 years. Prices went through the roof, compared to Luxembourg I pay 24% more taxes in Switzerland. If Luxembourg doesn't fit me I will move to either southern Germany or the Netherlands.
Anonymous on Feb 01, 2022:
The comments so far are spot on.

I see Zurich/Switzerland as a well oiled state of the art machine. It is efficient, functional, practical, clean, safe and reliable but it has no soul. It is a mechanical soulless system, just like the people here. I have, however, loved lived in Zurich for the past 11 years.I guess this says something about me. I am moving though, the time has come, I earned my money here, now its time to live my life.

On the plus side, you will be hard pressed to find more beautiful nature anywhere in the world. Lakes, mountains, forests the country is undeniably very very beautiful.
Damine on Apr 04, 2021:
I move to Zurich since three years ago. I really enjoy live in this city and love it. Of course it’s not a “cool” city, but it’s really comfortable, you can easily have a good life just with a basic job. The public traffic is super convenient, especially when you have a kid, everywhere it just so kid friendly.
The city is not big, and traffic is not annoying, you can walk around the lake and river, you can take train go for a weekend trip, the nature is always beautiful.
Here is difficult to make a friend, because most swiss people are not so open, and they are pretty shy. But people are still friendly and nice.
Anonymous on Mar 21, 2021:
I was born in Zurich and currently live here. . Zurich is beautiful, butit is boring and depressing here. The city has no spirit.
Now in 2021, things have become worse here. It is hard to find a job here. Life is expensive, especially when you want to dine out.
If you are a single man, don't come here. No good bars, hard to meet woman. It is a very very lonely place and people are introverted making it hard to find love or people to socialize. I do have friends here but its just not the same as in cosmopolitan cities with all that energy and good vibes/ food and interesting people that make a city so amazing. Shame Zurich doesnt have that!
The weather is good and the system works. Nature is nice. Other than that nothing. Having lived in Cities like New York and UK , this place doesn't even come close. Bottom line: I don't recommend living here.