South-Eastern Asia: Quality of Life Index by City 2019 Mid-Year

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Chart: Quality of Life Index
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Quality of Life Index
Purchasing Power Index
Safety Index
Health Care Index
Cost of Living Index
Property Price to Income Ratio
Traffic Commute Time Index
Pollution Index
Climate Index
Singapore, Singapore 146.1 88.8 72.3 71.1 80.2 23.1 41.3 32.1 57.5
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 107.5 69.2 32.9 65.1 43.0 11.2 41.9 67.7 56.6
Bangkok, Thailand 92.1 39.0 58.3 78.0 56.8 25.2 44.4 75.4 58.4
Hanoi, Vietnam 89.4 32.3 59.3 51.9 38.8 20.5 29.3 92.0 79.0
Jakarta, Indonesia 73.1 28.1 46.5 59.1 42.0 19.9 53.8 82.8 63.8
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 71.9 29.3 43.6 56.8 37.9 24.8 31.0 92.1 63.4
Manila, Philippines 61.2 32.8 35.2 60.2 40.2 21.2 55.6 91.4 61.2