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Range | |
Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) | 5.00 € | |
Taxi 1 mile (Normal Tariff) | 3.22 € | |
Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) | 32.00 € |
Distance miles | Estimated Price * | Distance miles | Estimated Price * | Distance miles | Estimated Price * | Distance miles | Estimated Price * | Distance miles | Estimated Price * |
3 | 14.66 € | 13 | 46.84 € | 23 | 79.03 € | 33 | 111.22 € | 43 | 143.40 € |
4 | 17.87 € | 14 | 50.06 € | 24 | 82.25 € | 34 | 114.44 € | 44 | 146.62 € |
5 | 21.09 € | 15 | 53.28 € | 25 | 85.47 € | 35 | 117.65 € | 45 | 149.84 € |
6 | 24.31 € | 16 | 56.50 € | 26 | 88.69 € | 36 | 120.87 € | 46 | 153.06 € |
7 | 27.53 € | 17 | 59.72 € | 27 | 91.90 € | 37 | 124.09 € | 47 | 156.28 € |
8 | 30.75 € | 18 | 62.94 € | 28 | 95.12 € | 38 | 127.31 € | 48 | 159.50 € |
9 | 33.97 € | 19 | 66.16 € | 29 | 98.34 € | 39 | 130.53 € | 49 | 162.72 € |
10 | 37.19 € | 20 | 69.37 € | 30 | 101.56 € | 40 | 133.75 € | 50 | 165.93 € |
11 | 40.41 € | 21 | 72.59 € | 31 | 104.78 € | 41 | 136.97 € | 51 | 169.15 € |
12 | 43.62 € | 22 | 75.81 € | 32 | 108.00 € | 42 | 140.18 € | 52 | 172.37 € |
Taxi Fares in Montevarchi | 27.62 miles |
Taxi Fares in Siena | 48.36 miles |
Taxi Fares in Lucca | 50.41 miles |
Taxi Fares in Pisa | 52.22 miles |
Taxi Fares in Livorno | 56.43 miles |
Taxi Fares in Faenza | 63.31 miles |
Taxi Fares in Bologna | 66.90 miles |
Taxi Fares in Modena | 84.76 miles |
Taxi Fares in Perugia | 93.25 miles |
Taxi Fares in Ferrara | 98.26 miles |
Within 18 minutes we were at the airport with a $26.80 fare reading. As I proceeded to pull out my wallet, my female driver and I both watched at the fair jumped by $8.00 to $34.80
When I asked the driver why the sudden jump, she explained that she could not understand my English. An hour earlier, our friends, who had ordered a cab to the very same apartment, paid a flat rate of $25 Euro to go to the airport. Anyone out there explain the discrepencies?