Taxi Fares in Florence, Italy

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Edit Range
Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 5.00 € 4.00-9.00
Taxi 1 mile (Normal Tariff) 3.22 € 1.61-4.83
Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 32.00 € 22.00-43.50

Taxi Fare Calculator in Florence

Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
314.66 €1346.84 €2379.03 €33111.22 €43143.40 €
417.87 €1450.06 €2482.25 €34114.44 €44146.62 €
521.09 €1553.28 €2585.47 €35117.65 €45149.84 €
624.31 €1656.50 €2688.69 €36120.87 €46153.06 €
727.53 €1759.72 €2791.90 €37124.09 €47156.28 €
830.75 €1862.94 €2895.12 €38127.31 €48159.50 €
933.97 €1966.16 €2998.34 €39130.53 €49162.72 €
1037.19 €2069.37 €30101.56 €40133.75 €50165.93 €
1140.41 €2172.59 €31104.78 €41136.97 €51169.15 €
1243.62 €2275.81 €32108.00 €42140.18 €52172.37 €
* - This is an estimated fare. The actual fare might differ due to time of the day, tolls, works (available routes), different car companies, error in collecting prices and other human or software error.
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3 Comments so far
Hilkka on May 06, 2024:
How much cost tax from Barberino Val D Elsa to Firenzen and in afternoon back to Barberino today? We are four person.
John Grayven on Jul 07, 2023:
Was I just scammed? Taxi taken at 8:50 in the morning, past Thursday, for two people, two carry on suitcases. I phoned and with in 3 minutes our taxi was at our doorstep in Florence's Piazza Del Carmine district going to the airport.
Within 18 minutes we were at the airport with a $26.80 fare reading. As I proceeded to pull out my wallet, my female driver and I both watched at the fair jumped by $8.00 to $34.80
When I asked the driver why the sudden jump, she explained that she could not understand my English. An hour earlier, our friends, who had ordered a cab to the very same apartment, paid a flat rate of $25 Euro to go to the airport. Anyone out there explain the discrepencies?
Meryem Burnett on Jun 25, 2022:
How much is it to hire a taxi for one day approx 8hrs