Taxi Fares in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

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Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 4.50 € 4.00-5.00
Taxi 1 mile (Normal Tariff) 4.83 € 2.25-4.83
Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 20.70 € 10.00-40.00

Taxi Fare Calculator in Palma de Mallorca

Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
318.98 €1367.26 €23115.54 €33163.83 €43212.11 €
423.81 €1472.09 €24120.37 €34168.65 €44216.93 €
528.64 €1576.92 €25125.20 €35173.48 €45221.76 €
633.47 €1681.75 €26130.03 €36178.31 €46226.59 €
738.30 €1786.58 €27134.86 €37183.14 €47231.42 €
843.12 €1891.40 €28139.68 €38187.97 €48236.25 €
947.95 €1996.23 €29144.51 €39192.79 €49241.07 €
1052.78 €20101.06 €30149.34 €40197.62 €50245.90 €
1157.61 €21105.89 €31154.17 €41202.45 €51250.73 €
1262.44 €22110.72 €32159.00 €42207.28 €52255.56 €
* - This is an estimated fare. The actual fare might differ due to time of the day, tolls, works (available routes), different car companies, error in collecting prices and other human or software error.
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5 Comments so far
Simon on May 13, 2024:
Hi how much is a taxi from the airport to Cales de Mallorca for 2 adults and a child with hand luggage only. Estimated time of arrival is 7.30 pm.
Thank you
Caron parry on May 09, 2023:
How much is a taxi from airport to Hotel More Alcudia for 2 people .
Is taxi or uber best ?
Lee on Mar 20, 2022:
Holidays in August and I'm looking for a taxi company for the 10 days. Staying at 07198 puntiro

Can I have prices from Palma airport from here and also to the marina / Palma bay
Ellen Hunter on May 17, 2021:
I usually check out as they consistently provide a good service. You don't need to pay in advance, just when you arrive and they accept card payment. To Petra from the airport is about 45 mins and only 75euro!
Normunds on Sep 18, 2020:
Hi! i need taxi for 2 adults and one child, 2 years.
From palm mallork airport to Voranova, 6, Palmanova, 07012, Spain.( hotel)
what the price? 22 sept. about 19:00
and return 29. sept. about 13:00 from hotel to airport.