Taxi Fares in Pisa, Italy

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Edit Range
Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 3.50 € 3.50-8.00
Taxi 1 mile (Normal Tariff) 3.22 €
Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 10.00 €

Taxi Fare Calculator in Pisa

Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
313.16 €1345.34 €2377.53 €33109.72 €43141.90 €
416.37 €1448.56 €2480.75 €34112.94 €44145.12 €
519.59 €1551.78 €2583.97 €35116.15 €45148.34 €
622.81 €1655.00 €2687.19 €36119.37 €46151.56 €
726.03 €1758.22 €2790.40 €37122.59 €47154.78 €
829.25 €1861.44 €2893.62 €38125.81 €48158.00 €
932.47 €1964.66 €2996.84 €39129.03 €49161.22 €
1035.69 €2067.87 €30100.06 €40132.25 €50164.43 €
1138.91 €2171.09 €31103.28 €41135.47 €51167.65 €
1242.12 €2274.31 €32106.50 €42138.68 €52170.87 €
* - This is an estimated fare. The actual fare might differ due to time of the day, tolls, works (available routes), different car companies, error in collecting prices and other human or software error.
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5 Comments so far
Debbie on Jun 25, 2024:
Looking to hire a taxi to take 5 of us from Pisa airport around area onto Florence for 9 hours and end day at la Spezia Port
Ivan on Jun 18, 2024:
Be careful, there is not honest taxi driver's. I was driving from Pisa airport to hotel Galilei. It is less than 2km, an fare was 8.5eur. but as soon as we stoped it switched to 15.50eur. I have asked for receipt, he gave me some papir he write price. I have asked for real one, je said his printer is not working...
Irene Han on Oct 18, 2023:
Can you advise on how much is the taxi fare from via Roma 27, Pisa to Pisa international airport at 6am ?
Clair Daly on Jul 05, 2023:
Please can you advise on the prices of a return trip for the Andrea Bocelli concert at Lajatico theatre of Silence from hotel Stefano in Pisa, on the Thursday 27th July.
Many thanks
Bruce Rubin on Jun 14, 2023:
I am looking for a price to go from Pisa airport to Palazzo Alfieri Lungarno Corsini.
4 people on Sunday June 25th