Taxi Fares in Saskatoon, Canada

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Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 4.88 C$ 4.00-6.85
Taxi 1km (Normal Tariff) 1.80 C$ 1.00-3.00
Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 20.00 C$ 20.00-30.00

Taxi Fare Calculator in Saskatoon

Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
310.28 C$1328.28 C$2346.27 C$3364.28 C$4382.28 C$
412.07 C$1430.07 C$2448.08 C$3466.08 C$4484.08 C$
513.88 C$1531.88 C$2549.88 C$3567.88 C$4585.88 C$
615.68 C$1633.67 C$2651.68 C$3669.67 C$4687.67 C$
717.48 C$1735.48 C$2753.48 C$3771.48 C$4789.48 C$
819.27 C$1837.27 C$2855.27 C$3873.28 C$4891.28 C$
921.07 C$1939.08 C$2957.08 C$3975.08 C$4993.08 C$
1022.88 C$2040.88 C$3058.88 C$4076.88 C$5094.88 C$
1124.68 C$2142.68 C$3160.68 C$4178.67 C$5196.67 C$
1226.48 C$2244.48 C$3262.48 C$4280.48 C$5298.48 C$
* - This is an estimated fare. The actual fare might differ due to time of the day, tolls, works (available routes), different car companies, error in collecting prices and other human or software error.
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2 Comments so far
Boycott the cabs in stoon on Jun 19, 2024:
Just reiterating what the previous commenter stated. Why in the world is Saskatoon’s cab fare even remotely close to that of Toronto? $4.75 just to sit your a** down. And god forbid you have a bike or a large suitcase or groceries that would require a van because then you’re gunna fork over $7.50 to sit yourself down, plus double mileage. But if they decide to send a van for a single rider then somehow it’s back to regular prices…make it make sense. Absolutely positively ZERO customer service, the first step to customer service would be to NOT be talking on the fkn phone the whole time, in a different language, sometimes to multiple other parties. Like cmon? This isn’t like forget your morals and beliefs and assimilate now!! This is basic fkn respect. Forget about it if you have a headache cause jumping in that car is only gunna make it worse. Which brings us to the next most important point. CLEAN YOUR VEHICLE, CLEAN YOURSELF. For fk sake this is your BUSINESS!! I cannot count the amount of cabs I’ve been in that I had to physically cover my face and breath in my own armpit smell so that I didn’t vomit everywhere. And don’t think you’re getting out and getting a new cab!! No no no! First of all, the next cab is gunna wreak to high heaven as well AND you’re gunna get charged another $4.75 b/c it’s your fault that the cab drivers can’t maintain their vehicles or their own cleanliness. In 10 months I have taken 2, like 1, 2, cabs that didn’t make me want to throw up. How wonderful is that? Just landed? Welcome to Saskatoon! Hopefully you decided to wear deodorant today, or yesterday, or last fkn week cause that’s still better than the smell of the vehicle picking you up. Another new trend for these friendly (sarcasm) folks, if you’re skin isn’t white, namely if you’re an Aboriginal male specifically, you will be required to pay upfront for your ride. Maybe you’re thinking “hey nothing wrong with that” wroooooong. It’s absolutely fkn wrong when the only ppl they ask are of a certain race. And you bloody well not be of that race and have your wallet at home or your friend whom you’re travelling to pay for your ride, because in that case you’ll be taking the 2 foot express. Yup! Late at night in the middle of winter need to cab home after needing hospitalization? Too bad buckeroo, oh but your white friend is coming? Oh ok no worries then! Pay at the destination! Racist pos. And don’t get me started on being a female riding alone in one of these traps, let alone an aboriginal female. Wish SPS would investigate some of these MMIW and their last known whereabouts were in a cab
Frustrated on Oct 29, 2022:
Taxi cabs in the city are overpriced with awful service. Their vehicles are never well cleaned or not even an attempt to clean at least once a week. Plus they can’t follow instructions. We don’t want you to use the app to track the taxi, or send us a text that the taxi is at destination, because they are always at the wrong place or part of street. Even if standing instructions are on file, they never get it right. When they text you saying can is there and it is not, pretty hard to let them know that he is not and if they are going to text us that, at least have the app allow us to text back when the cab is not where it is supposed to be! Cabbies make customers so uncomfortable. Bus system is so broken. This is why Saskatoon will forever require everyone to have their own vehicle. Otherwise it is more money by cab and takes far too long by cab and bus! When you call in to the cab companies, they can take up to an hour to answer and then another half an hour or longer to to get a cab to you. This is terrible customer service for a city with below freezing temps for about 8 months a year!