Taxi Fares in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

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Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 13.50 AED 12.00-15.00
Taxi 1 mile (Normal Tariff) 4.02 AED 2.90-4.83
Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 40.00 AED

Taxi Fare Calculator in Sharjah

Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
Price *
325.57 AED1365.80 AED23106.04 AED33146.27 AED43186.50 AED
429.59 AED1469.83 AED24110.06 AED34150.29 AED44190.53 AED
533.62 AED1573.85 AED25114.08 AED35154.32 AED45194.55 AED
637.64 AED1677.87 AED26118.11 AED36158.34 AED46198.57 AED
741.66 AED1781.90 AED27122.13 AED37162.36 AED47202.60 AED
845.69 AED1885.92 AED28126.15 AED38166.39 AED48206.62 AED
949.71 AED1989.94 AED29130.18 AED39170.41 AED49210.64 AED
1053.73 AED2093.97 AED30134.20 AED40174.43 AED50214.67 AED
1157.76 AED2197.99 AED31138.22 AED41178.46 AED51218.69 AED
1261.78 AED22102.01 AED32142.25 AED42182.48 AED52222.71 AED
* - This is an estimated fare. The actual fare might differ due to time of the day, tolls, works (available routes), different car companies, error in collecting prices and other human or software error.
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5 Comments so far
Rilwan Hussain on Feb 20, 2023:
I strongly recommend everyone should use GPS navigation, you can easily reach your destination if you use a Google offline map. When you are getting into a taxi to reach your specific destination wherever in Sharjah or any other Emirate in UAE, keep your GPS open on your mobile and see how the taxi driver is driving through. That was a good idea from one guy who's working for one of the reputed Travel Agency in Dubai, 'Regal Tours'. I went to this Travel Agency to renew my Dubai visit visa, and they process a same-day visa change, I get my visa done on the same day very smoothly. People can also go through their website and get more information’s about Dubai visa services
sedik on Jan 19, 2022:
why is there an additional AED 3.50 fare in the taxi of sharjah even the fare is above minimum already?
Vibin on Jul 26, 2021:
why is there an additional AED 3.50 fare in the taxi of sharjah even the fare is above minimum already?
Km 7.7
Start 7:43 am
End 7:51 am

OSF. 3.50
Sagar Dhakal on Jan 10, 2021:
Fujairah to Sharjah bus station How much Please give me number
Shakir on Sep 29, 2020:
Sharjah airport to Dubai Investment Park 2 how much fare in taxi. Total 69 km done