Traffic in Orlando, FL, United States

In this city, we estimate that each passenger produces approximately 2,281.77kg of CO2 annually as a result of commuting to work or school. To counterbalance this carbon emission, it would require approximately 104.81 trees per passenger to produce enough oxygen. The following formulas are used to make these estimations.

Main Means of Transportation to Work or School

Working from Home 6.06%
Walking 1.01%
Car 92.93%
Bicycle 0.00%
Motorcycle 0.00%
Bus/Trolleybus 0.00%
Tram/Streetcar 0.00%
Train/Metro 0.00%

Average when primarily using Walking

Distance 4.83 km
Walking 5.00 min
Driving Car 5.00 min
Overall 10.00 min

Average when primarily using Car

Distance 30.59 km
Walking 0.38 min
Driving Car 36.08 min
Overall 36.46 min

Overall Average Travel Time and Distance to Work (School)

Distance 30.32 km
Overall 36.17 min

Contributors: 99

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

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1 Comments so far
Mya on Jan 26, 2023:
More people are moving down to Florida because the cost of living and income tax breaks are attractive to people from out of the state. As a result, more real estate companies are buying land and developing properties and the traffic is absolutely worse than when I first moved back home in 2016. When I used to come and visit family before they heavily developed neighboring cities, you could fly down Highway 27 with little to no traffic. Now it's as packed as Interstate 4! Be prepared for very high insurance because Florida drivers are quite the worst drivers in the US. I've driven in Los Angelos, the DMV area, Atlanta... nobody is beating Florida at having the worst drivers! (I love my home state though)